Monday, June 05, 2006

Draft Resolution 1.0 Legalization or Amnesty?

Millions have taken the streets to march for the rights of indocumentados, and this has not gone unnoticed by the anti-ecumenicalist CP(F) directorate, which, after months of demonstrations, has thought about our positions with due diligence and offers our thoughts on the current stage of the struggles.

Firstly, we are glad to see that our own divisions are mirrored in the wider movements, that of whether it is preferred to fight for legalization or amnesty. With millions of families hanging in the balance, the worry of parents and children of the possibility of separation by deportation, wild labor abuses by the boss class against indocumentados, and increasing violence and vigilante activity against those sin papeles, we are glad that there are some sectors who know that the real, more important fight is over two words. And we are grateful to the bourgeois news media for focusing disproportionate levels of attention on this debate rather than looking at the unity of communities from all around the world, the genuine racism of those who oppose immigrants rights, and the draconian measures within H.R. 4437. Our proudly marginal vanguard was rendered unfunctional in the streets in large part due to this conflict.

And secondly, we are happy to see that there are still leftists, those who claim to support workers rights, but are willing to make exceptions in the case of foreign-born workers. Though they may be few and far between, those leftists who oppose immigrants workers rights prove the contradictory nature of some sectors of the so-called left. We have a tiny sect that has the same view, and we love to trumpet their position despite their relative minisculenessocracy.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Politboro and Party Strength

With an official membership in the ten thousand range, and an actual membership in the hundreds, the CP(F) has at points in recent years been the fastest growing Leninist faction this side of the Ganges. We have micro-regionalist chapters in every corner of the United States, and representatives from countries around the world.

Our Central Committee consists people in the following positions. Names are not posted or have been changed to protect rights to clandestinaiety and since our spelling is kind of bad, and because of genuine concerns of DHS network-mapping, but all of these positions are taken and held by real people. Every position was founded by the member presiding in it, and some have changed positions after being purged and reintroduced.

Central Committee
General Secretary Chairman
Rob... Minister of Sectarianism
Naperville Bill... Minister of Discombobulation
Mike... Min. of Usurpation
Min. of Getting His Butt Kicked Out (Excommunication)
M1... Min. of Auditory Theater
Mark... Min. of Supplying the Party with Maoist Guerrilla Literature-Des Moines
Min. of Mayhem
Tim... District Chairman-Seattle
Min. of Sweatpants-Iowa
Gustavo... Min. of Powertools
Min. of Dank CTA Tunnels
Min. of Rolling (contested position)
Joe... Min. of Falsity
Sam... Min. of Truth
Min. of Industrial Noise
Min. of Strokin
Dan... Min. of Justice
Min. of Vegetarian Burritos
Min. of Crappy Theatres-Peru
Min. of Free Lego-Puerto Rico
Min. of Fujimorismo-Peru
Min. of Rank and File Opposition
Min. of Natal Alienation
Chief of Food Procession
Earl... Min. of Negativity
Min. of Metals
Min. of Spirit
Min. of Tofu
Min. of Fellow Traveling
Max... Min. of Totalitarian PR
Min. of David Hasselhoff Hair-Cleveland Deputy
Min. of Leg Humping
Alpha Agent of Alliteration
Min. of Unstroking
Min. of Espanol
Min. of Free Trade Zones
Min. of Bodily Fluids
King Tubby... Min. of Revolutionary BBoy Crews
Min. of Vanity
Scott... Min. of War
Min. of Disbanding the CP(F)
Min. of Memetics
Dave... Min. of Fecal Disbursement
Min. of Social Lubrication
Min. of Cans of Whoop Ass (maintained against the ISO)
Min. of Carnal Knowledge
Min. of Enforced Prop
Min. of Organization
Sara... Min. of Voluntary Human Extinction
Min. of Defensetration-Guyana
Carolyn... Min. of Lemon Squeezing
Min. of Organization
Min. of Spatial Grinding
Min. of Defining Factors
Nicole... Min. of Fashionism
Min. of Nit-Picking (Particularism)
Min. of Dolphinism
Min. of Recreational Drugs & Home Grown
Min. of War-Mexico
Min. of Fornication-Binghamton
Min. of Entropy
Min. of Foreign Affairs
Min. of Coolant
Min. of Federal Railroadism
Commandant Chieftess of the Vegan Army
Min. of Escapism-Gourmet Food Preparation
Min. of Secutiry of Emergency Exits
Min. of Summary Executions
Min. of Tupac Shakur Regenerationism
Blu the dog... Min. of Adorable, yes you are, yes your are, that's my wittle.....

To apply to join the Central Committee, leave a comment with a first name and position title.

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Processes of the Party

As everything in the CP(F) is consistently debated in the dredges of the dankest of basements and community centers by our eloquently factionalist membership, it is important to note that virtually none of our statements nor policies nor communiques are ever beyond draft form, unless posted by renegade sects that attempt a unilateralist policy of publication.

This is also the reason why our weekly newspaper, the Sectarian Worker, has been indefinitely postponed, as well as due to the successful factionalizing of the sniveling cowards that was our editorial board.

Regardless, this new blog will be the resurrection of the Party in public and national form. After the creation of such newly formed Leninist groups as the Communist League, the Free Peoples Movement, the Organization, and others since the CP(F) reached a stagnant stage of dormancy, we have decided that our crusade (yes, crusade, as our General Secretary-Chairman is nothing if not a messianic figure), must continue.

We will speak through those mass movements we operate within, including our anti-war front, er, anti-coalition JUST ANSWER PEACE!, and others. Our various, innumerable, countless factions will also now be given a forum, as will the communiques of our fearless leader-on-high, the ignoble General Secretary-Chairman.

To join us, leave a first name (doesnt have to be real) and a ministry, and prepare for a rigid lifestyle, rife with fractionalism, sectarianism, factionalism (there are nuances between the three), purges, and hopefully someday a return to our most egregious of revolutionary errors: opportunistic quotaed newspaper selling. Those ministries which currently exist and are still known shall also be posted in coming days (or possibly hours), though names in most cases are changed to protect our politboro.

As for our raison d’être, to place a mirror in front of the left in the United States Empire, make it laught at itself, and then let it whimper when it realizes it can never be as factionalistic as we. We have set the precedent for attacking foolosophers and philistines (sorry to the Palestinians offended by the term) who stick to the sectarian dogma that has helped keep the Left marginal. The Left's alleged goals - to correct injustice, fight for democracy, strive for a better society for all- have been successfully cut short thanks to the amazing internal divisionism that has kept it weak. So, as the first party formed specifically to attract agents provocateurs, we say splendid to the Left for doing what the state infiltrators could only dream of doing: making our collective and thoroughly righteous goals incredibly difficult to materialize.

Down with Anarchy, Centralize Authority!

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Draft Programme and Manifesto

To begin our new blogs, our Draft Programme and Manifesto, in need of update:

The Abridged Draft Programme & Manifesto of the
New Communist Revolutionary Socialist Alternative People's Power Democratic Internationalist United Peasant's Black Popular Independent Student's Soldier's Industrial Worker's defence Autonomous Global Anarcho Insurgent Armed Liberation All-African National Panther Oppressed Syndicalist Red Flag Progressive Labour Struggle Freedom Road Anti-Imperialist Direct Action Social Justice Solidarity October Resistance Proletarian Pacifist Humanist Bolshevik Uhuru Militant Current Green Situationist Labour Insurrectionist Intransigent
Another World is Possible
Prairie Fire by Night Radical Vanguard

Workers' Democracy-Broad Front-New Majority-Unity-Macheteros-Fight Back-Free Red Homeland-
People's Army-General Command)

The Vanguard Party of the vanguard parties!

Courtesy of UberVanguard Press, a subsidiary of Fractintern Publishers Inc. & Crimethinc

Position Statement:
All revolutionary theory and praxis, says our virulent General Secretary Chairman, comes from the dialectical process, and this is our strategic revolutionary framework. Only through the acts of sectarianism and purges can our all-powerful and prophetous General Secretary Chairman cleanse us of bourgeois decadence, reactionary contradictions, and revisionist horse manure!
All comrades must recognize, as has been taught to us by the great and valiant General Secretary Chairman, that the masses cannot lead the revolution, and we have learned that it is best if they do not even participate in it! While the party, led by the superior and supreme General Secretary Chairman, espouses the ideal of the jacobin mob, the people are brainwashed zombie-slaves, and cannot possibly participate in their own emancipation! Further, no group that does not totally and completely follow the party doctrine, laid down on us by the heaven's luminous rays from which the General Secretary Chairman leads us, cannot be anything but a reactionary fascist paper-tiger! Coalitions are to be joined, as we have seen in the vast and all encompassing experience of the honorable General Secretary Chairman, only if our comrades gum up meetings in unnecessary and monotonous debates on the specific theoretical framework and the process, and if, soon before the events the coalitions plan, the coalition is either totally controlled and co-opted by the party, or has broken apart into many tiny little itty bitty bitter fractions. This is truly the path to the Great Proletarian Revolutionary Socialist triumph, where we will serenade our divine General Secretary Chairman as he wallows in his own crap...ulence.

The CP(F) believes that, besides perpetual factionalism and purges, selling newspapers is the most revolutionary method in the quest for mass armed struggle, although unfortunately the entire editorial staff broke off into a faction. The CP(F) is the leading member of the Fractiontern. The CP(F) is founded upon (Groucho)Marxism-Lennonism-Trotism-MauMauism-Stolenism thought. It espouses all people's factions everywhere, looking as a historical process at the fraction that left Spartacus, led by Peepeefeces, the fraction of Stenka Razin, led by Stinky Raisin, and the fraction off of Pugachev, led by his Pukingchief. After breaking off from the First International, a sect known as the Marxist Brotherhood, led the first Marxian revolutionary fraction. From there we have seen the Spartacus League and SWP in the USA, the great national liberation schism in Angola, the internal conflicts of the Bolsheviks, the leadership of the gang of four during the great
proletarian cultural revolution, and the ambience of such landmark movements as Sendero Luminosa and the Khmer Rouge. Our leader has also led us to consistently support micro-regionalist movements, like the Macedonians, Timorese, ETA, IRA, Chechens, Moro, Eritreans, and others.

It is believed our General Secretary Chairman was born in a small town in Georgia. In 1921, one day after the founding of the Communist Party, our great founder and General Secretary Chairman broke with the revisionist CP, and founded the CP(F). He had been a wobbly, who had broken off under the slogan 'thousands of tiny unions.' His ideals, though, led him to a series of dialectical errors, in which he joined many other North American Marxist groups, and consistently saw their counter-revolutionary, bourgeois, decadent and revisionist errors, and consistently broke off. Our greatest model in North America is the Spartacus League. During the 1920s, the party supported Sacco over Venzetti, as the former's name was easier to spell.
In 1926, the party broke apart into factions temporarily, and then led the revolutionary struggle in the early 1930s, which were subverted by the reactionary CP, SWP and mass movements. The party started rent riots for middle class cadres, supported the superlumpenproletarians against the lumpenproletarians or proletarians, and founded the first unemployment council for out-of-work intellectuals. Simultaneously, during the Trotsky-Stalin split after Lenin’s death, the party sided with Kamo, and sects broke off in favor of Zinoviev, Bukharin, the anarchists, the Mensheviks, Trotzky, and Stalin. then a sect broke off of the Trotzky sect arguing that the name should be spelled with an 's.'
During the Spanish Civil War, the party organized the John Brown Brigade in opposition to the CP Abraham Lincoln brigade, and broke up into fractions supporting the CNT, the Phalange, and revisionist Marxist-Leninists. The party applauded both Stalin's purges of counterrevolutionary traitors, as well as Trotsky's criticism of it, and then was divided over the assassination of Trotsky. During WWII, the party again broke up into sects supporting the allies, others supporting the Soviet and Chinese red armies, others supporting the Czech and Greek partisans, some supporting Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo, some supporting Picasso, and Jeremy, who supported Switzerland. There were again splits in the party over the Yugoslavia question, and this led to massive purges. The party was virtually destroyed during the era of McCarthyism, after vengeful former members

had an amazing propensity to name names (some of which had to be checked
in to mental institutions because they became incapable of stopping). The party reemerged by the end of the 1950s, in time to condemn Khrushchev for his condemnation of Stalin, who had also been condemned by the CP(F).
The party condemned the 26 de julio revolution of Cuba in favor of the communist party of that country, and saluted the in-fighting and coup of Algeria's Ben Bella. One of the landmark moments in the history of the party came in the great, revolutionary schism. the Sino-Soviet split was actually begun at a tea party held by the our great general-secretary chairman involving soviet and Chinese leaders (Zhou Enlai was not invited, as he was too diplomatic), in which the general-secretary chairman privately alerted Chinese leaders to the soviets' intentions of dominating the 3rd world national liberation struggles in a Soviet social-imperialist assault, and then privately alerting the soviet leaders that the Chinese had criminalized vodka in favor of rice wine. The party was split during the Angolan national liberation struggle, between those supporting the FNLA, the MPLA, Unita, and the by then-defunct Grae.
The Communist Party (Factionalist) currently claims a membership level at over ten thousand, with chapters all over the country. It is the leading member of the Fractintern, which claims member branches in some eleven countries, colonies, and micro regions.

Down w/ Anarchy, Centralize Authority!
Don't Agonize, Factionalize!
Onwards, to the Great Proletarian Revolutionary Schism!
Workers of the World, Divide!
Stop Leftist Redundancy, Now!
Liberate Botswana from Left Examplism!
End the Practice of Confusionism!
Purge, Argue, Purge!
People's Army Faction for Life!

Please send money orders or checks made payable to cash to our current HQ, P.O. Box 5653, Chicago, Il. 69223, or email us at
Or leave your first name and the position you would like to hold right below in the comments section

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