Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Nuestro Cinco de Mayo: El Cumpleanos de Carlos Marxo

We tried to bake you a cake, but it melted in the oven.

We bought you a present, but it was fragile and fell down the stairs.

We organized a surprise party, but you never dropped by.

We got you a beer at the bar, but we think it was flat.

We got you a gift certificate, but that store closed down.

Is this a catalogue of Marxist ineptitude? No, because there have been many fabulous left wing bakers. But on the 191st birthday of Karl Marx, the CP(F) just isn't sure what to think of the state of Marxism.

An ideology that expounds on the need for a class consciousness that will bring working people together, united, for the conquest of power to achieve an egalitarian society, and probably the greatest basis for movements with any such vision. What a dream! Well, if that's what you want for your 191st, Charlie, there's always next year.



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