Wednesday, December 17, 2008

News or Letters

As the Dunayevskayan influenced News and Letters Committees came to a factional end earlier this year, we applaud the comrades that had led the fight for the division into committees of News and their rivals, the committees of Letters. As capitalism is confronted in so much of the rest of the world by united fronts, it is good to see the dialectical bisection of more and more Marxist organizations in North America.

That we support the dissolution and division is apparent. The question for those that follow our positions is which do we support: News, or Letters?

News, that tantric waste of space that wallows in the hypocritical bog of ideological objectivity. Or Letters, in which personal privations may be learned and rumors spread. Read how many of Karl Marx's letters were biting polemics or sarcastic scoffs at contemporaries far behind their backs. It is clear, for the purposes of the sectarian revolution we call for, the CP(F) STANDS WITH LETTERS!

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