Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Echidna Associated Society

The Division Division of the Trotboro of our Party has been watching a small, but allegedly growing pseudo-Humanist Trotskyite sect over the last two years known as the Platypus Affiliated Society. They proclaim the already tired slogan "The Left is dead! Long Live the Left!" Oh, how original!

Burning bridges and creating enemies, they appear to be a rival faction whose modus operandi largely boils down to a once-quarterly, now-sorta-monthly periodical filled with polemics against the Marxist Left, for the reconstitution of the so-called Marxian Left. ist versus ian! As overly intellectual academics, from their ivory towers they drop banners of Enlightenment and claim to be above the fray, while they admonish their cousins in the streets for having not learned the failures of the Pop Front strategy of the 1930s. Worst, they claim chapters in cities or campuses once they have one member there in existence. These soon-to-be-neocon monotremes have clearly taken a page from our playbook!

And so, our Division Division has responded with the creation of the aptly titled Echidna Associated Society, so named as its loosely associated scholarly members grab from many sectors of the egoistic and obfuscatory factional failures of the organizational Left. The sub-sub-sub-sect's now-sorta-weekly-but-really-annual periodical, the Echidna Response, will be due out by the next opportunity for student mobilizations.

Oft blamed for neglecting the actual working class, except where decertifying union battles occur, our talented and up-tempo General Secretary-Chairman now puts forth to the world our newest and least acclaimed of factions, the Echidna Associated Society. And so it be done.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cheeky kids! This is a good blog, as good a catalogue of Leftist decrepitude as my own Platypus Associated Society. Only you guys are above the fray thanks to your cheekiness and sarcasm while we are above the fray thanks to our Marx-ian Ivory tower Trotskyism.

Let's get together to make fun of some Spartacists, that way we can be unoriginal together!

Agreed: The Left is not only dead, it is also funny!


15/4/09 00:58  
Blogger Bayano said...

Yeah, just what we want. To hang out with a few ex-Sparts who have carried their bizarre disdain for age of consent laws over to a new armchair sect. Thanks for the invite!

17/4/09 12:31  
Blogger chuck said...

I fully support the splittering of the marxist/trot left. It is only by the totally splittering and disorganization over minor ideological questions, that we will reach perfection.

1 person organizations that claim the mantle of marx or trotsky or lenin, that have the perfect ideological line that no one will still listen to.

16/12/09 04:22  

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