Tuesday, March 18, 2008

UJP and SO!UTION Proposals for actions

Thanks to a three month dispute over the process on which our meetings would be held, and whether colons or semi-colons were more appropriate for the flyer sub-headlines, the UJP and SO!UTION anti-war coalitions had as yet not decided on a proposal for the next few days of protest on the fifth anniversary of this imperialist war against Iraq (which technically started back in 1991 and never ended, but that is beside the point). The final plan is as follows.

The Protest Old-Guard, a section of the UJP leadership which had organized large rallies for Western unilateral disarmament thirty years ago, has proposed the following: As the war approaches its sixth year, we suggest the anti-war movement take the lead of the LGBTTIAQ rights movement. Their most significant annual activity began a revolt, which indeed the anti-war movement can relate to on the first night of the invasion. It then became an annual protest march, which we have indeed carried out each year. And now it is a big, festive parade. We propose to line up corporate sponsors (putting the funds raised in our trust), call for revellers along the routes, and to hold celebratory anti-war parades with the co-sponsorship of all cities involved. In this way, we can become the mainstream, and as the Iraq war will clearly continue thanks to the inept policies of the current anti-war movement, we can build it up to a larger and more mainstream parade every year. We will know we have hit pay dirt when the local news media and municipal governments inflate rather than underestimate our numbers.

Unfortunately, the renegade faction SO!UTION has drawn out of this plan, and will be wrangling with municipal governments in their respective courts for downtown march permits that they should be allowed but will never get. The marches will occur whichever year there is finally a settlement.

And the youth movement Students for an Ontological Society will be organizing a feeder march to look for if there an anti-war movement even exists. Meanwhile, the Students for a Bolshevik Society will organize a hostile breakaway out of this feeder.

All comrades must boycott all other actions that are planned by any other anti-war coalitions, whose make-ups are not at all democratic and all-encompassing.

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Blogger Jarlsberg's Chosen said...

Might want to take a look at that fourth paragraph.

28/3/08 04:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, Finnegan, if that is your real name, our GSC is the greatest philosopher of all time. We don't make errors, we break them.

30/12/09 14:46  

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