Thursday, May 21, 2009

On Social War and Bashing Back

The CP(F) wishes to commend the anarchist queer network Bash Back! on its present-thinking modus operandi. Without the need to really hash out any long-term strategies or goals, it's so much easier to make action and have fun.

They are not organizers. They are not consciousness raisers (though assuredly they do a little to raise the consciousnesses of youth who otherwise thought they were alone). They are not revolutionaries. They are not libertarian socialists. They are not forward-thinking. They are not strategic. But they are performative, of-the-moment, fabulous glamarchists.

Without strategy or organizing, we all know that no movement is going to get anywhere. And before you get your panties in a bunch that an ultra-Leninist outfit such as ourselves might cozy up to some anarchists, we're happy to lay it out for you. Much of the Bash Back! milieu actually turns many radicals, queers, trannies, fags, dykes, gay boys, sex workers, and genderfucks off of anarchism by their: excessive use of slurs; chants that "we're anarchists, we'll fuck you up" in remarkably inopportune moments; poor planning for summit shutdown-style actions; puritan hypocrisies; and lack of cohesive ideology. Okay, the vast amounts of glitter and gory-holes do turn some people back on.

It's yet another pretty petit bourgeois formation. Oh, yes, yes, we'll get admonished by all those members flaunting their proletarian street cred. But bring up class as anything more than an identity issue, and you're a workerist (which ironically means bringing up class as an identity issue to many other leftists). That builds the kind of ruptures in movements that makes any factionalist proud. And since most of them oppose 'workerism' and Marxism so completely (by never chancing to figure out what it is), they cloud the issues so perfectly.

Unfortunately, the group is sensationally bad at security culture, though paranoid to a fault, so most of the time even core members don't know where a meeting (or national conference!) is going to be until last minute, while they post the map of the location on blogs that no one but the Feds check. Seriously, one of our sources remembers one time where some members deceived other members into thinking there was not a meeting, and requested people to join an action by telling them they had to completely commit to it before they had any idea what it was, or they couldn't find out what it was! Aw, college freshman!

Bash Back! has made waves. At least eight or so actual chapters (and several more that only exist on wheatpasted paper) were created in the first year of its existance, around the country. They have made national news, got romanticized in Details, and joined the Avakianites of the Revolutionary Communist Party in becoming one of FOX News' favored radical groups to bash.

Clearly, the CP(F) must rethink and launder out of its history the long-term plan to house decadent homosexual cheerleaders in re-education camps with ex-gay headmasters. We must determine the most forward-thinking and progressive outlook on LGBTTIAQ&sometimesY issues, and leap ahead of even that in our programme and manifesto.

If Bash Back! has filled a void amongst young queer and queer-friendly nihilists, then the Factionalists must launch into our own fabulous and angrier-than-thou queerist sectarian mass organization. For details on the open planning meeting to initiate our new project, oh, you don't already know? Well, then we can't tell you. I don't know, dude, if you're in, you're in. Whatever, nobody told you already, I'm sorry, I can't tell you. You'll love it!

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Nuestro Cinco de Mayo: El Cumpleanos de Carlos Marxo

We tried to bake you a cake, but it melted in the oven.

We bought you a present, but it was fragile and fell down the stairs.

We organized a surprise party, but you never dropped by.

We got you a beer at the bar, but we think it was flat.

We got you a gift certificate, but that store closed down.

Is this a catalogue of Marxist ineptitude? No, because there have been many fabulous left wing bakers. But on the 191st birthday of Karl Marx, the CP(F) just isn't sure what to think of the state of Marxism.

An ideology that expounds on the need for a class consciousness that will bring working people together, united, for the conquest of power to achieve an egalitarian society, and probably the greatest basis for movements with any such vision. What a dream! Well, if that's what you want for your 191st, Charlie, there's always next year.
